Tuesday, 19 November 2013

Creating modules with Powershell

Powershell modules are extension to inbuilt cmdlets. You may download third-party modules or you can write them using C#. Along with some installation, modules are installed in Powershell.

List the modules available: 

Use get-module to list the modules.

Import an existing module: 

import-module <module_name>

Writing your own module with Powershell

You can write your own module in Powershell using below steps:
1. Create a file with below content: 

function do-nothing()
echo "You are in nothing"

function do-something( $i, $j)
echo "Result : $($i + $j)"

2. Save the file with .psm1 extension. I use test.psm1 as filename.

3. Import the module 

import-module c:\tst\test.psm1

4. Check if module is loaded

PS D:\Org\Powershell> Get-Module

ModuleType Name ExportedCommands
---------- ---- ----------------
Script test {do-something, do-nothing}

5. Run the command used 

PS D:\Org\Powershell> do-something 5 6
Result : 11


Overall, we have below advantages using this approach:
1. Increases code manageability
Any changes made in one module is copied over all the modules.

2. Increases code reusability :
You can use common tasks like sending mails or logging in one module and share in all the scripts.

3. Team work
If a team of people working, working in modules reduces burden on single person and everyone owns his own part.

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